Hungry heart wild striker doujinshi
Hungry heart wild striker doujinshi

hungry heart wild striker doujinshi

The catch here is that his brother, Kanou Seisuke, is already a superstar that plays for AC Milan, and both of them are polar opposites in every way, shape and form. Although you still have your typical sports anime story with following a protagonist (Kyosuke, in this case) and his will to win the national championship. When I say that Wild Striker doesn't bring anything new, the one exemption from that can be with the story. Oh, by the way, this is a soccer (football) anime, for your information. However, after watching this anime, you cannot help but feel a special bond to it after following the journey and life's ups It's not a revolutionary anime by any means, and its relatively unknown compared to some of the other mainstream sports anime like Prince of Tennis, Eyeshield 21 Major, Shoot!, etc. Hungry Heart Wild Striker brings nothing new to the table.

hungry heart wild striker doujinshi

I was simply looking for a sports anime that I could watch in my free time and also was relatively long (52 episodes) that hopefully enjoyable. When I first started watching this anime, I really didn't expect anything special.

Hungry heart wild striker doujinshi